Acupuncture in Cape Town’s southern suburbs
Acupuncture with Bruce McCallum
Acupuncture treatment is based on the premise that people are individuals with individual health conditions and requirements. Thus, treatment must be tailored specifically for the individual in question. As an example, three patients presenting with ‘headaches’, may require three different treatment approaches. The task of the acupuncturist is to ascertain the most effective approach for each patient.
To this end, the initial, diagnostic phase of any treatment session will usually involve discussion of the main complaint, and many additional general health and lifestyle questions may follow this. Observation of the tongue & the complexion, and palpation of the radial pulses & acupuncture channels complete the diagnostic process. This traditional diagnostic approach will lead to a traditional pattern diagnosis on which the actual treatment is based.
Treatment itself almost always involves acupuncture needles. These are very thin, with a diameter of 0.25mm at the most, made from surgical stainless steel, in sterile packaging and for a single insertion only. Needles are usually left in for 10 – 30 minutes depending on the chosen treatment plan.
In addition to needles, moxibustion and cupping methods may be used. On occasion, moxibustion and/or cupping may constitute the whole of the treatment without use of needles.
Treatment modalities

The main treatment method involves inserting fine, stainless steel needles into acupoints

Mostly used with needles, but moxa can be used on it’s own, either directly on the skin or using a moxa stick